From Engage Ottawa

We have a brand new update to share on the “Your City, your ideas” service review public engagement campaign. We are now at the halfway point and residents have engaged on two of this Term of Council priorities: A city that is affordable and livable for all and A city that is more connected with reliable, safe and accessible mobility options.
During these first two themes, we heard from hundreds of you on topics such as housing, road safety, downtown revitalization, active transportation, budget, and more. Thank you! Your ideas continue to be reviewed and assessed as part of the larger Services Review program.
We just launched the next theme of engagement, A city with a diversified and prosperous economy, which highlights our goal of providing equitable access to opportunity for all and to make Ottawa a destination of choice to live, work, play, invest, learn, and visit.
Keep those ideas coming! Our vision for Ottawa’s future is one that prioritizes innovation, collaboration and inclusivity. To bring these goals to life, we need the voices and ideas of our community, our residents, you!
Take part in this next phase by heading over to to share your thoughts. Throughout the course of this theme, we will be publishing stories related to the services and opportunities that will diversify our economy and support increased prosperity in the city. Check out the first story we published on how the Financial Literacy Program is empowering black youth and providing them with equal opportunity to thrive in a competitive workforce.
Head over to Engage Ottawa now to learn more about the Service Reviews and other current engagement opportunities.