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Woodroffe Avenue lane reductions

From the City of Ottawa


December 8, 2023 --- The schedule for the off-peak lane reductions on Woodroffe, between Slack road to Grenfell cres, will be extended to include Mon Dec 11 to Wed Dec 12 between 9am and 3pm. Both direction will be reduced to one lane.


November 29, 2023 – From Tuesday, December 5 to Friday, December 8 between 9 am and 3 pm, Woodroffe Avenue will be reduced to one lane in both directions from Slack Road to 650 metres north of Grenfell Crescent. This work is part of the Woodroffe Avenue Watermain Repair Project scheduled for early January 2024.

The reduction is required for the removal of the centre concrete median. This is a preparatory step in advance of the future repair and replacement to sections of the Woodroffe Avenue large diameter watermain.

In order to maintain two southbound lanes during the watermain work, a section of the concrete centre median will be removed to allow for a temporary southbound lane. The removal of the centre median includes a temporary streetlighting relocation, which will be completed in advance of watermain construction.

Details regarding the planned watermain work for January 2024 will be communicated to residents in the coming weeks.

Traffic management

Construction is during off-peak hours and road signage will be in place to notify residents of the impacted zones. Residents can expect delays and may wish to consider alternate routes where possible.

Stay informed! Visit for additional details and specific traffic impacts.

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