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Wildlife Strategy Review

From Engage Ottawa

Second Wildlife Strategy Survey

The City’s Wildlife Strategy was originally developed in response to human-wildlife conflicts in the rural area of Ottawa, and includes, among other issues, specific information and recommendations on managing human-coyote interactions in both rural and urban settings. The Wildlife Strategy was approved by City Council in late 2013 and has not been reviewed or updated since that time. Staff have implemented many of the strategy’s recommended actions, such as the Wildlife Speaker Series and the updated Protocol for Wildlife Protection during construction and have attempted to address the remaining actions within the limits of available resources.

Human-coyote interactions in urban and suburban settings have continued and now have a higher profile than in 2013. Given that the Wildlife Strategy has not been fully implemented and has been in place for a decade, the City is reviewing the strategy while specifically examining options to address issues with coyotes. The recommended review would determine whether updates or other changes are required to the Wildlife Strategy.

Residents are invited to review the existing Wildlife Strategy(External link) and provide feedback on its recommendations and implementation. The public is also asked to complete a short survey(External link), found below, to help provide insight on the City’s current Wildlife practices. The survey will remain open until June 30, 2023.

Staff will also consult with subject matter experts and other municipalities on current best practices for managing human-coyote interactions and will report back to Committee and Council in Q3 2023. The report will include a summary of input received, recommendations for any changes or updates to the Wildlife Strategy and resourcing implications for implementation.

First Wildlife Strategy Survey

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