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Strandherd Widening Project

Complied by the Ward 3 Office from City sources

Update (July 14, 2023)

Road Closure due to Service Connection

To accommodate a new development, service connections to the new Strandherd Drive infrastructure (watermain and sewers) are required. Starting next week, two watermain connections, one storm connection and one sanitary connection will be installed within the Strandherd Drive corridor. The work will take 2 to 3 weeks and will require lane closures on Strandherd Drive between Chapman Mills Drive and Borrisokane Road.

Night Work and Lane Closures

This work is scheduled to start at the end of July or the beginning of August and will take approximately 10 to 15 nights to complete (weather dependent). The work will take place at night between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am. Strandherd Drive will remain open to traffic with lane closures and flagging, as necessary.

Strandherd Drive eastbound right-turn lane closure at Borrisokane Road and truck turning restrictions

The Strandherd Drive eastbound right-turn lane at Borrisokane Road will be closed from Tuesday, July 25 to Tuesday, August 1. During that period, large trucks will not be permitted to turn right from Strandherd Drive to Borrisokane Road. Trucks must follow the signed detour to Greenbank Road.

During the closure, right-turns from the Strandherd Drive eastbound curb lane will be permitted for smaller vehicles but trucks will not be permitted to turn right onto southbound Borrisokane Road due to the limited space.

Night Work (Starting June 24 2023)

Update (April 20, 2023)

Update (April 12, 2023)

Project Overview

Project Map

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