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OWSL Free native plant giveaways this summer

On behalf of the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library (OWSL), I am very pleased to announce that we will be hosting THREE, FREE native plant giveaways this summer in our ongoing efforts to encourage residents to plant native to support wildlife, and also to support the rain-ready goals of the City of Ottawa as many of the native plants shared are excellent in putting down deep roots to improve drainage, and they also thrive in flood-to-dry conditions.  Our wonderful volunteers will be there to help guide visitors and answer general questions about native plant gardening and the benefits it brings to our local ecosystem. No gardening experience necessary!


Two of the events are in the centre-east part of Ottawa, and the middle event will be in the west end of Ottawa. In addition to our native plant seed collection, distribution and plant giveaways, we have many speakers ready to talk and participate in community events and festivals in your Wards. We are passionate about what we do!



  • Saturday, June 15: Springhurst Park from 1-2:30 pm (at the corner of Brunswick Street and Springhurst Avenue)

  • Saturday, July 6: Britannia Beach from 1-2:30 pm (at 102 Greenview Avenue, close to the Trolley Station)

  • Saturday, August 10: Springhurst Park from 1-2:30 pm (at the corner of Brunswick Street and Springhurst Avenue)

The Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library is an entirely volunteer-run, local grassroots organization that promotes gardening with native plants to provide food and habitat for bees, butterflies, insects, birds and other wildlife. In our 2023-24 seed collection and distribution drive, we shared over 20,000 packages of native seeds across Ontario and Quebec. Last summer, more than 650 people attended and brought home free native plants for their gardens.

Visit the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library website for more information about the plant giveaways ( or join the Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library Facebook group for updates about events and native plant gardening in the city. 

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