From OC Transpo

New smartcard fare readers have been successfully installed on all O-Train Line 1 fare gates and the entire conventional bus fleet. Staff are now beginning testing of the fare readers at O-Train Line 1 fare gates, and testing will begin on buses in early July. This testing will continue until O-Payment is ready to officially launch across the entire transit system, which is expected to occur in the coming months. As a reminder, credit card and mobile wallet payment options have been available for customer use on Para Transpo vehicles since April 2023
During the testing period, customers may notice the VISA and Mastercard logos on fare reader screens. We ask that customers continue to pay using existing payment methods until testing is complete. Customers who wish to pay by credit card or mobile wallet at Line 1 stations can continue to do so at the specially marked white fare gates, which have been available as a trial for customers since early 2021.