Fall 2023: A problematic intersection
My office has been made aware of at least three pedestrian accidents at Greenbank and St Joes High School in the past year. This morning I observed traffic here with the president of the Half Moon Bay Community Association in order to identify short and mid term solutions to the traffic safety. With the opening of Darjeeling avenue, traffic has gotten worse.
Winter 2023: A work in progress
Many of you have written me regarding the intersection of Darjeeling and Greenbank. There remains a significant safety issue with students needing to cross the road to get the St. Joe's High School along with cars trying to turn from Darjeeling on to Greenbank. I have been working with City staff and local developers and am happy to say that lights are being considered at this intersection.
Summer 2024: A signalized intersection is confirmed
The City of Ottawa has confirmed that a signalized intersection will be coming to Greenbank and Darjeeling.
Great news! Transportation Planning has finally approved the road modifications to 3370 Greenbank Road (Greenbank and Darjeeling). The design is to construct a new three-legged intersection along with a pedestrian signal which will allow students to safely cross Greenbank. With this approval, the project can now proceed to detailed design and construction. I await a timeframe from staff when a shovel will hit the ground as I know many folks who live off Darjeeling will want to know this information.
It must be emphasized that the following road modifications (see below) are conceptual and intended only to illustrate the proposed function. The approval of any detailed design of the road modifications stemming from this report will be subject to the City’s detailed design review process.
Proposed road modifications:
• Construction of a new three-legged intersection with pedestrian signals for the north leg crossing. The west leg is to be stop-controlled for vehicles.
• Construction of new concrete sidewalks on the northwest and southwest corners of the new intersection.
• Construction of a northbound left-turn lane and a painted hatched median opposite the left-turn lane.