From OC Transpo

OC Transpo committed to monitoring and responding to anticipated increases in Line 1
customer volumes as the system continues to operate with single-car trains. We are
proactively planning to adjust the service level next week as it is anticipated that
customer demand may be higher during the morning and afternoon peak periods.
Beginning on Monday, September 11, OC Transpo will introduce double-car trains as
an enhancement to rail service. The number of single-car trains in operation will
increase from 13 to 17, with some of these operating in the two-car configuration
throughout the day to provide customers with frequent service. Trains will operate
approximately every four minutes at the busiest times of the morning and afternoon
OC Transpo anticipates that this service frequency will provide sufficient capacity for
customers. The operations team will continue to closely monitor and adjust service as
In addition, the Shuttle Express continues to operate every 10 minutes during weekday
morning and afternoon rush hours. Ridership on the shuttle service between Blair
Station and downtown has remained steady with about 50 customers per trip. Ridership
between Tunney’s Pasture Station and downtown is significantly lower with
approximately five to 10 customers per trip.
As a result, the last day of operations for the Shuttle Express service between Tunney’s
Pasture and downtown will be today, September 8. The western shuttle will not operate
beginning on Monday, September 11. The shuttle service in the east will continue to
operate. OC Transpo will continue to monitor ridership levels.
Customers looking for the most up-to-date information about their trips, can use the
travel planner, call 613-560-1000 or text 560560 and enter your bus stop number.