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Barrhaven Civic Centre

Updated: Jan 13

From the Ward 3 Office

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What is the Civic Centre?

Per the Barrhaven Downtown Secondary Plan:

A new Civic Complex is envisioned at the centre of the community to accommodate the development of a multi-purpose civic facility that will serve the broader Barrhaven community (noted on Schedule A - Designation Plan). The facility is envisioned adjacent to the Barrhaven Centre station and the complementing public plaza.

The development of the Civic Complex will be subject to funding being made available. The Civic Complex will develop as a civic and cultural hub that fosters social interaction and community engagement and will feature of a mix of uses including a civic building and/or mixed-use buildings. The Civic Complex is intended to be urban in form with buildings generally fronting onto Chapman Mills Drive.

Where will the Civic Centre be located in relation to the "Barrhaven Downtown?

How will the civic centre be accessible?

What will the civic centre include?

Councillor's Engagements and Comments

Fall 2024: Funding secured, the work now begins

Winter 2023: Meeting with one of many community groups

Fall 2023: A visit to Mel Lastman Square

Summer 2023: Construction Site Visit and Advocation for the Barrhaven Civic Centre Development

Election 2022: A commitment to the Barrhaven Civic Centre

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