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Barnsdale Highway 416 Interchange To Receive Provincial Funding

April 7, 2024

By Charlie Senack | Barrhaven Independent

The long-awaited Barrhaven Barnsdale highway 416 interchange is finally one step closer to happening after Ontario Premier Doug Ford announced funding for the project.

Ford was in Ottawa on March 28 to take part in the Mayor’s breakfast series — the largest on record with over 600 attendees at the Shaw Centre. There he announced a ‘historic” $543 million funding deal for the city, labeled as a “new deal for Ottawa.”

In his weekly newsletter, Barrhaven West councillor David Hill said the new interchange will be of great benefit to the community, particularly for Half Moon Bay residents.

“I have heard from many of you that we need to better balance our infrastructure investments with residential growth,” he said. “I have said that I would advocate on this and am doing everything that I can to improve our situation. Getting the $20 million additional Greenbank realignment allocation and now the Barnsdale Interchange will greatly improve the traffic concerns in the Stonebridge/Half Moon Bay areas.”

Barrhaven is rapidly growing, in fact it’s one of the fastest growing suburbs in Canada. The cookie-cutter community of over 100,000 people has added about 1,500 homes per year, totalling about 3,500 new residents. Much of the development is occurring on the south side of the Jock River in Half Moon Bay.

Once built, the Barnsdale interchange will fill a roughly 10 kilometer gap between the existing interchanges at Fallowfield Road and the other at Bankfield Road. It’s unclear when construction will begin or how much it will cost.

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